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Ottawa Launch of Native Leaders of Canada - 9 December 2009

The Ottawa launch of our book took place at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa with the participation of many invited guests from the Aboriginal community who were in the capital for a meeting of the Assembly of First Nations. Among those in attendance were National Chief of the AFN, Phil Fontaine, Chief Andrew Delisle and Chief Joe Norton of the Mohawk Council, The Honourable, Peter Millikin, Speaker of the House of Commons, Senator Lillian Eva Dyck, Members of Parliament Harold Albrecht and Lavar Payne, John Bernard, President of Donna Cona Inc., Fred Caron of INAC, and Native artist Denis Charette, whose work appears in the book. Hosts for the evening were Jean Chevrier, President and Publisher at New Federation House, Denis Daigneault, Vice-president of New Federation House and Editor of Native Leaders of Canada, and Gerald Gummersell, a Director of New Federation House and Chairman of The Gummersell Group. We wish to extend our thanks to Donna Cona Inc. for its sponsorship of the event.

Jean Chevrier - Publisher & President, New Federation House and Elder Mary Lou Lahtail Gerald Gummersell - Director of New Federation House and Master of cermonies for the evening Fred Caron - Assistant Deputy Minister, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and non-Status Indians John Bernard - CEO Donna Cona Inc.
Denis Daigneault - Editor and Vice-president, New Federation House Jeanne Poulin - Author and Director of New Federation House National Chief Phil Fontaine - Assembly of First Nations Chief Fontaine signing our commemorative poster
Jeanne Poulin, Denis Daigneault, Gerald Gummersell, Chief Phil Fontain, John Bernard and Jean Chevrier with our commemorative poster Chief Andrew Delisle, Mohawk Council, and guest Lucie Chevrier Several of our invited guests; Author Lorne Monti, a Director of New Federation House, in the foreground  



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